Welcome to the IDEAL – Digital Arts Center. A website, a digital platform for watching, listening to and reading free contentas well as enjoying other professional services.
The use of and access to the content on this site implies knowledge of and agreement with the terms and conditions for access and use contained in this legal notice, together with our policy regarding privacy and data protection. These terms and conditions cover access, browsing and use, and set out for users the rights, uses, prohibitions, responsibilities etc. involved when browsing this website. The user agrees to use the services and information provided by this website in good faith., via which the platform is accessed, is a domain owned by Layers of Reality, SL; fiscal identity number (NIF) NIF: ESB67098095 and domiciled at S/ Doctor Trueta 196-198, 08005 Barcelona. The company manages its website via the domain without affecting its right to do so, either occasionally or permanently, via other domains providing access to the content and services offered by the website
Anyone accessing and/or using this website is a user. Initial access to the website is free. However, there may be uses or services that are subject to payment of a fee established in the terms and conditions of each case.
If users need to be registered in order to avail themselves of certain uses or services, this registration will be done via forms requesting personal information which will be subject to legislation regarding the protection of personal information set out in this legal notice.
In order to use this site minors must have permission from their parents or legal guardians, who will be the responsible parties.
Participation in multi-user virtual reality experiences may pose a risk to persons with reduced mobility. Their movement or movement within the room may be indirectly or directly affected.
Persons with reduced mobility are welcome to participate in the experience, but it is recommended that they do so in the company of another person to ensure their safety.
As this is an immersive experience, there may be occasional feelings of dizziness or loss of balance. We recommend that you be prepared for these possible sensations and follow all safety instructions from our staff.
Pregnant women, people with cardiovascular disease, people who are sensitive to light, people with psychiatric illnesses, balance disorders, people with Alzheimer’s disease or other illnesses with similar symptoms and characteristics should not undergo this experience. This also includes people with implanted medical devices such as pacemakers, hearing aids and defibrillators, as well as those with epilepsy or a history of seizures and loss of consciousness.
Participation in this experience is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
Participation in this experience is not permitted for persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
All visitors who choose to participate in the simulation activities offered by the IDEAL Centre do so at their own risk. Each visitor must take full responsibility for their participation and assess their own medical fitness.
If you have any doubts after reading these conditions or during the experience you have any incidents, please bring them to the attention of the staff.
The intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to the website are owned by Layers of Reality SL and include cover content, video, audio, texts, designs, photographs, data bases, images and other graphic elements, source code, design, browsing structure, and information, as well as any other creation protected by Spanish law and international treaties regarding intellectual and industrial property. Thus the exercising of the rights for exploitation in any form and, specifically, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is the sole competence of Layers of Reality SL Any use or reproduction users may make of this content or any future content must be
in compliance with the previsions and bound by the limitations included in intellectual property rules, and always with the express authorisation of Layers of Reality SL, without affecting the limits established in Real Decreto 1/1996, 12 April, which sets out the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center explicitly reserves the general rights relating to the content disseminated via the website which is regarded as intellectual and industrial property. Allowing users access to the webpage will not, under any circumstances, be understood as an implicit waiving, transmission, licence or cession, either totally or partially, of these rights by IDEAL – Digital Arts Center.
Under no circumstances is authorisation given to the following:
– The presentation of a page from the website or any content from the website on any website which is not owned by IDEAL – Digital Arts Center by use of any technique or process, including framing, in line, linking, etc.
– The extraction of elements from the website to the detriment of IDEAL – Digital Arts Center according to the regulations in force.
– The commercial use of content from the website
– The use of brands or distinctive signs, logotypes, combination of colours, structures, designs, or in general distinctive symbols of any nature, which are the property of IDEAL – Digital Arts Center, without the knowledge and corresponding authorisation of the company.
– The use of content in activities which are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.
– The dissemination of content or propaganda of a nature that is racist or xenophobic, pornographic, illegal or which infringes on human rights.
– Causing damage to the hardware or software systems of IDEAL – Digital Arts Center, of its suppliers or of third parties.
– Introducing or disseminating via the internet computer viruses or other hardware or software systems which are capable of causing the previously mentioned damage.
– Attempting to access and, if applicable, utilising electronic mail accounts owned by other users and manipulating or modifying their messages.
– Users may view the contents of this website, copy or print them by means of their computer or any other support only for their own personal and private use.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center reserves the right to modify or remove content on the website as well as to limit or block access to the website, whether temporally or permanently, without prior notice. Content on is made available to users by IDEAL – Digital Arts Center using news items generated by the company or from third parties. IDEAL – Digital Arts Center strives to ensure this content is of the highest possible quality and is reasonably up-to-date, but does not guarantee its usefulness, suitability, accuracy, thoroughness, pertinence and/or topicality. Users may contact IDEAL – Digital Arts Center in order to check the accuracy and date of the content by email at [email protected].
Consequently, and excepting the applicable regulations, IDEAL – Digital Arts Center does not assume any responsibility regarding the user arising from the existence of news items that are erroneous, inexact, incomplete, not pertinent or not timely.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center cannot be held responsible for the technical access, the information or the content of other websites linking to or which may be accessed from the website.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center does not necessarily share the opinions expressed by its collaborators.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its websites and/or services offered without any need for prior notice, at its own instance or that of a third party, to users who breach the terms and conditions set out in this legal notice.
The website may offer users participation in specific activities, such as the presentation of projects or proposals related to the activity of IDEAL – Digital Arts Center. Participation in any activity will be voluntary and implies agreement with the terms and conditions established for each case and with which the user will have to expressly agree.
Participatory activities are principally intended for people 18 years of age or older.
All content generated by users or which they voluntarily include in participatory activities will be subject to specific conditions. The user must be the owner of the content or have the rights to its use and, as such, will have obtained permission from its author. Under no circumstances may any rights of intellectual or industrial property, or any exclusive
rights owned by third parties, be violated. Consequently, files that violate any pertinent intellectual property law will not be accepted.
The website provides access to social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and sections that are of a public nature, understood as being those which are accessible by all users for interaction providing the possibility to post comments, links, multimedia elements, images, etc. In certain cases users may be asked to register.
The following terms and conditions of use and access are established regarding content and interaction sent or engaged in
by users:
1. Responsibilities: IDEAL – Digital Arts Center is not responsible for the content of the messages, news items or opinions posted by users and reserves the right to block access to content that is illicit or unlawful or which could infringe on legitimate rights of any sort, and the right to withdraw or erase content that has been posted, especially if it does not comply with these terms and conditions.
2. No rights are conferred on the user, and use is subject to the legislation in force and, in the case of social media, the conditions stated by the social media sites themselves.
3. Intellectual property: IDEAL – Digital Arts Center will have the right to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish content, including public communication, whether texts, photographs, graphics etc., with the aim of promoting the section on which it has been posted, as well as to use it in the activities of IDEAL – Digital Arts Center, in any format or on any support. The licence is free and runs in time until its transfer into the public domain, as set out by the intellectual property legislation in force at any time. Users may only post content of which they are the original authors, or for which they hold the title rights, without affecting their right to post the owner’s URL in order to link said content.
4. IDEAL – Digital Arts Center will not return any sent material nor assume any undertaking to answer users.
5. Personal information relating to these functions and their content cannot be used for profit or uses which have not been expressly authorised by their holder. The user will vouch for the veracity of the information supplied.
6. Users will respect the opinions of other users or participants, and will refrain from using language that is offensive or defamatory, racist or violent, or which contravenes the law in effect.
7. No unauthorised or commercial messages may be made.
8. It must be mentioned that the personal information provided by users may be viewed by any other user or participant. If the personal information is from third parties, their express legal consent must be obtained.
If you simply visit the website no personal information that can identify the user is automatically registered. However, there exists certain information of a non-personal nature and which cannot be identified with a specific user that is gathered and recorded in IDEAL – Digital Arts Center’s servers with the sole purpose of facilitating the user’s internet experience and improving the running of the website. This information is gathered by files, commonly known as “cookies”, which enable the recording of information, such as for example, the user’s type of internet browser, their operating system, the IP address from which they are accessing the website, their preferences regarding the layout of content on the webpage, remembering passwords, or producing faster searches. This information is solely for the private use of IDEAL –
Digital Arts Center; we will neither divulge nor share this information with third parties.
In any case, the user always has the option of configuring their browser so that it notifies them of the reception of cookies and prevents their installation on their computer hard disk. When modifying the configuration of their browser, the user may accept or refuse all cookies and request that they are previously notified in the event of installation.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center reserves the right to modify unilaterally the terms and conditions set out in this legal notice at any time, either totally or partially. All modifications will come into effect upon publication on the website; more exactly, upon being inserted into the link “Legal Notice”.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center advises users to read the legal notice every time they access the website.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center will pursue violations of these terms and conditions as well as any improper use of their websites with all the civil or criminal actions afforded them by law.
IDEAL – Digital Arts Center does not guarantee its website or server to be free of viruses, meaning the company cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by these anomalies or any other of a technical nature.
Any disputes arising from the terms and conditions set out in this legal notice shall be subject to the laws of Spain. IDEAL – Digital Arts Center and the user, with the express waiving any other jurisdiction, are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.
In the case of litigation regarding electronic contracting via the [email protected] domain, IDEAL – Digital Arts Center and the user, with the express waiving of any other jurisdiction, are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the place of residence of the user. In the case of the user residing outside Spain, IDEAL – Digital Arts Center and the user, with the express waiving of any other jurisdiction, are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.